
Hot Foods 温かいお持ち帰り

Mira brings quality, fresh, and healthy foods to you.

Our products use organic ingredients and no MSG!
カツ丼 Katsu-Don
Pork cutlet with egg and vegetables over rice

天丼 Tempra-Don
Deep-fried shrimp and vegetables over rice


親子丼 Oyako-Don
Organic chicken & vegetables over rice


カツカレー Tempra-Don
Pork cutlet and Japanese curry with rice

オーガニック チキンカレー 
Organic Chicken Curry
Organic chicken and Japanese curry with rice

えびフライカレー Shrimp Curry
Deep-fried (breaded) Shrimp and Japanese curry with rice
おでん Oden
 Includes egg, fish cake, and daikon (radish)


あったかうどん Udon
Hot udon noodle soup with spinach, fish cake, kitsune (tofu skin), and wakame (seaweed)

Nabeyaki Udon : Hot udon noodle soup with egg, deep-fried shrimp, fish cake, and kitsune (tofu skin), and wakame (seaweed) 


天ぷら Tempra
Deep-fried shrimp and  vegetables


ポーク餃子 Pork Gyoza
Japanese style pork pot stickers
